Contact Information

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Nos encantaría oir de tí:

Diocese of Beaumont - Hispanic Youth Ministry (PJH)

Diócesis de Beaumont - PJH


Mailing Address:                              Physical Address:

Dirección Postal:                             Dirección Física:

P.O. Box 3948                                  703 Archie Street

Beaumont, TX 77704-3948               Beaumont, TX 77701-2899


Phone/Teléfono: 409 924-4338

Fax: 409-838-4511

Email/Corréo Electrónico: info@pjhbmt.org



Online Contact Form

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Contact Us!

Diocese of Beaumont

Office of Hispanic Ministry

710 Archie Street

Beaumont, Texas 77701

Director of Hispanic Ministry

(Director de Ministerio Hispano)

Jesus Abrego

(409) 924-4331


Asst. Director of Hispanic Ministry


Julio Beltran

(409) 924-4338


Office Secretary

(Secretaria-Ministerio Hispano)

Jacqueline Nieves

(409) 924-4308


Estamos a sus ordenes de 8am-5pm Lunes a Viernes (o con cita) en las oficinas de la Diocesis de Beaumont, localizadas atrás de la Catedral San Antonio en Beaumont, TX.


We're here to welcome you from 8am-5pm M-F (or by appointment) at the Diocese of Beaumont offices behind St. Anthony's Cathedral in Beaumont, TX.


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© Diocese of Beaumont - Office of Hispanic Ministry


